4 Difference Between BMLT And DMLT Diploma Course Patna

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 If someone asks the difference between 2 paramedical courses like Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Technology and Diploma in Medical Lab Technology the answer will always be the valuation. Both courses will carry different valuations in your entire paramedical career. This is the reason before you start your first job or before you join any paramedical course you need to understand the differences very closely. There are a lot of BMLT and DMLT diploma courses Patna, before joining any of them make sure you know the basic details. 

 Understanding the differences in both courses will give you better clarity about your upcoming professional life. This is the reason we’ve decided to share the 4 most important differences between BMLT and DMLT courses in paramedical. Come, check them out first.

  • Limited Career Prospects

If you ask what is the major difference between these 2 courses, then our answer will always be limitations with career prospects. You can also have a survey by asking all the professional lab technicians as well. When it comes to lab technology courses, try to complete your bachelors once you complete the diploma course. A DMLT course will only allow you to lab technician, lab assistant, lab information system analyst, pathology technician, and MRI & X-ray technician but when you complete the bachelor also you can also become a medical technician, a lab supervisor, or a consultant, R&D assistant and technologist and a specialized lab technician as well.

  • Different Eligibility Criteria

Both degrees have different eligibility criteria. The reason is nothing but one is a diploma degree and another one is a bachelor’s degree. The diploma degree can be done at any time, it has no limitation with age. Aside from this, the DMLT course has no special entrance exam to pass as well. On the other hand, BMLT is a bachelor’s degree. Before going for the course you need to complete your 10+2 and after that, there will be an entrance exam as well. For BMLT you need to have great knowledge of human anatomy, communication skills, computer skills, microbiology, biochemistry, and also a sound knowledge of lab management. Whereas for the DMLT course, basic knowledge of hematology, clinical biochemistry, microbiology, histopathology, immunology, blood banking, and an idea of basic lab management systems will be more than enough to crack your first job.

  • Difference In Course Duration 

When it is about course duration BMLT takes 3 years to complete and DMLT takes 2 years to complete. Sometimes people choose this DMLT course due to its short duration. But you need to think about the prospects at that time. As DMLT takes less time, it will also cover fewer subjects as well and education will not be in detail. On the other hand bachelor’s courses are mostly details and tend to cover most of the subjects within these 3 years. Therefore when a student joins an organization after completing BMLT, they generally get better recognition and also better valuation compared to DMLT professionals.  This is why be very sure before joining the DMLT diploma course Patna.

  • Differences In Employment Areas 

Just because a Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Technician is more valuable than a Diploma in Medical Lab Technician that’s why professionals get better employment areas as well. When you complete the DMLT course you can join medical laboratories, government or private hospitals, education, military, pharmaceutical companies, and public and private clinics. Aside from this, when you complete the BMLT course you can join crime laboratories, blood banks, nursing homes, and research clinics along with the areas available for DMLT professionals.

Apart from career prospects, eligibility criteria, course duration, and employment areas there is another big difference between the BMLT and DMLT courses the fee structure. The fee structure for both courses will have a visible difference. A BMLT course might cost 10 lacs but DMLT can be completed within 5 lacs as well. Before you join any of these paramedical courses try to get enough knowledge about the basic things, otherwise, you’ll not be satisfied with your entire professional life. Also, choose your paramedical college very sincerely for a better future.

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